Welcome to yoga classes with Michelle Haynes at the Busen Trust.
Embark on your yoga journey or refine your knowledge and technique in a nurturing and informative environment. You’ll feel welcomed and encouraged from the moment you step into the class.
Please bring a yoga mat to class if you have one, we have limited mats available for use.
Yoga classes with Michelle Haynes begin Tuesday 9th January 2024
Free trial first class
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Monday & Friday 12:45 - 13:45
A 60 minute dynamic flow yoga class, deeply rooted in ashtanga, flow through an ever changing sequence of poses, creating a fluid and energetic flow. Expect hands-on adjustments, variations and an emphasis on alignment and breath.
Power flow 45
Wednesday 12:30-13:15pm
Embrace your inner warrior, a dynamic, vinyasa class rooted in ashtanga yoga, move with music, through an ever changing sequence of poses, leaving you feeling invigorated and ready for the day ahead.
In this class expect hands on adjustments, sequences that are playful with twists, arm balances, headstand and handstands opportunities, simplify and advance as you wish!!
16 Years +
Class packs
Follow me on Instagram @ michelle.yogi.haynes
Class packs valid for two months from purchase
Classes are run term time only
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