Traditional Japanese Jujitsu, or "Jūjutsu," is an ancient martial art rooted in Japan's feudal era, primarily designed for the samurai class. Known as the "gentle art," Jujitsu emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, allowing practitioners to neutralize opponents by leveraging their force rather than relying on brute strength. This martial art encompasses a wide range of techniques, including joint locks, throws, strikes, and grappling, all designed for real combat situations.


The art emphasizes self-discipline, respect, and continuous improvement, reflecting its deep connection to Japanese values. Today, Jujitsu is practiced not only as a method of self-defense but also as a way to cultivate a strong mind and spirit, embodying the timeless principles of the samurai.

Ju-Jutsu Club (Adults)
1 class per week

Adults (16yrs and over)

Free taster session for all beginners

*Subject to a one off £49.90 joining fee

Terms and conditions apply. 20% concessions available.

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